Me ~ Weapons of Mass Instruction & Pride and Prejudice
La ~ Finished Shiloh, started Shiloh Season
Chris ~ The Creature from Jekyll Island
Morning Read Aloud ~ Finished The Best Worst Halloween Ever, started The Silver Chair
Around the House ~
No extra projects to speak of this week. I feel like I don’t know where my time is going. I have two sewing projects I need to start. Time to revamp our schedule. Why does everything in the universe tends towards chaos. I wish I could just stay organized once I get organized!
Out & About Learning ~
Firefly Corps was rescheduled until this coming Monday due to illness, so I’ll write about that next week. This week was swimming at our weekly homeschool class.
Study Time ~
This week’s study time got off to a very relaxed start. We woke up to snow on Monday morning. I did not have the heart to keep her inside! The neighbor kids came over by noon & they stayed outside sledding & jumping on a snowy trampoline all day! Before the kids came over La made a town in the front yard she named Crystalville. She outlined walkways and buildings just like the kids in Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran.
La in her Crystalville house. The circle in the center is a fire pit. |
Main St., Crystalville |
La had another baking lesson. This time chocolate chip cookies.
La wrote some thank you notes to her Nani & Kitty Grandma for sending her a small Halloween package.
Last time I wrote about La being inspired to learn her math facts. She still is, but I almost killed it! As soon as she said this I came on too strong with a traditional approach using worksheets & flash cards. After all, that’s how I learned my math facts. Well it backed fired right in my face. She hated it and felt pressured. I should have known better! This approach has never worked with her! So I took a deep breath & regrouped. A reader named Cherie (Thanks Cherie!) posted a great link to a math card game. She loves this approach & is quickly getting all the addition facts down. I am also playing factor games with her to help her see the relationship between addition & subtraction. Now things are smooth sailing again!
Afternoons ~
More playing on the snow & reading. This weekend we are taking care of my friend’s 3 daughters ages 4, 6 & 8. It’s going to be very fun! We’ll be trick or treating, going to a Harvest Carnival & swimming with pumpkins at the pool!