Thursday, October 21, 2010

TJEd Blog Roll

Leadership education is really tough. It is a blood, sweat & tears kind of life. As far as homeschooling goes, I think it is the toughest & most rewarding way of doing things. There is no how to. You must struggle through the principles and work out for your family how to implement them.  This is why I so enjoy reading the blogs of other Mom's working out their own journey. So, if you are a TJEd family and would like to share your blog with me & others, join the Blog Hop below & add it to your blog.  Let's stand together in supporting & inspiring each other!

1 comment:

  1. I am brand new to TJed. I pulled my two sons, age 11 and 14 out of a charter school that I once loved because it was too demanding on our family time. They were struggling and their self-esteem was plummeting. Now we are all learning together how to become life long learners without compulsion.


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